After graduating from Urbana High School in 1982, like many young people, Herbert bounced around between college, working, and looking to find himself. In 1986, he decided to enlist in the U.S. Army against the wishes of his mother, who had raised a household that fostered education, making the right choices, and leading a moral life. In the Army, he served for twenty years in both Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom, achieving the rank of Sergeant First Class. Herbert gives all glory to God for his protection during those times.
Herbert returned to his hometown to serve as the Army station commander, recruiting new soldiers to serve their country. He brought back leadership skills, motivation to become an entrepreneur, and a desire for higher education. After a brief stint in El Paso, Texas, where he founded a clothing store and earned his bachelor's degree in human resources and business management, Herbert returned to C-U. Since then, he has done everything in his power to “make a difference in the lives of young people.”
Herbert continues to serve his community in numerous roles, including pastor, coach, and host of the Urbana Public Television show “Let the Truth be Told.” He has been in the ministry since 1993 and was ordained as an Elder in 1995 under Bishop King James Underwood of New Freewill Baptist Church. He served as a Sunday School teacher, Youth Minister, and was involved in the church’s outreach ministry.
In 1998, Herbert relocated to El Paso, Texas, where he served as an Elder at Destiny Family Christian Center under the leadership of Bishop Richard L. Johnson. Since returning to Urbana in 2008, Herbert has continued his Eldership at New Freewill Baptist Church.
Herbert is a strong believer that the church is not just inside the four walls of the building but that the real work takes place outside of the church. Therefore, he is active in the community and strives to influence the youth and non-traditional churchgoers. He has organized and led several community initiatives, including Not on My Watch (NOMW), to generate a spirit of accountability and concern with the common goal of “empowering the community one person at a time.” His group, Brothers Let's Talk (BLT), gives young black men in C-U an outlet to share life challenges and obstacles while providing inspiration, hope, and accountability. NOMW has also supported Father of the Year Awards and sponsored the Backbone of the Black Home Awards, honoring local black women active in their homes, community, and churches. Herbert volunteers in the juvenile detention center and continues to mentor youth, encouraging them and demonstrating that change is possible. He also leads the Leadership Development Academy, where he meets with middle-school-aged youth every week for mentoring, goal-setting, financial literacy, academic support, and life skills.
In 2022, Herbert received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the CU Schools Foundation for his work in the community. As Pastor of New Freewill Baptist Church, Herbert is committed to carrying on the vision that God gave Bishop King James Underwood to not only have their own school but also have a one-stop shop meeting the needs of every soul that God sends them.
Herbert is married to Stephanie Burnett and is the father of 10 anointed children and 13 wonderful grandchildren.
In recognition of his efforts, Herbert is being honored with the Community Unity Award. This award acknowledges individuals or organizations that have tirelessly promoted unity and collaboration within our community, reflecting Mrs. Rhodes' ability to bring people together for common goals.
Herbert returned to his hometown to serve as the Army station commander, recruiting new soldiers to serve their country. He brought back leadership skills, motivation to become an entrepreneur, and a desire for higher education. After a brief stint in El Paso, Texas, where he founded a clothing store and earned his bachelor's degree in human resources and business management, Herbert returned to C-U. Since then, he has done everything in his power to “make a difference in the lives of young people.”
Herbert continues to serve his community in numerous roles, including pastor, coach, and host of the Urbana Public Television show “Let the Truth be Told.” He has been in the ministry since 1993 and was ordained as an Elder in 1995 under Bishop King James Underwood of New Freewill Baptist Church. He served as a Sunday School teacher, Youth Minister, and was involved in the church’s outreach ministry.
In 1998, Herbert relocated to El Paso, Texas, where he served as an Elder at Destiny Family Christian Center under the leadership of Bishop Richard L. Johnson. Since returning to Urbana in 2008, Herbert has continued his Eldership at New Freewill Baptist Church.
Herbert is a strong believer that the church is not just inside the four walls of the building but that the real work takes place outside of the church. Therefore, he is active in the community and strives to influence the youth and non-traditional churchgoers. He has organized and led several community initiatives, including Not on My Watch (NOMW), to generate a spirit of accountability and concern with the common goal of “empowering the community one person at a time.” His group, Brothers Let's Talk (BLT), gives young black men in C-U an outlet to share life challenges and obstacles while providing inspiration, hope, and accountability. NOMW has also supported Father of the Year Awards and sponsored the Backbone of the Black Home Awards, honoring local black women active in their homes, community, and churches. Herbert volunteers in the juvenile detention center and continues to mentor youth, encouraging them and demonstrating that change is possible. He also leads the Leadership Development Academy, where he meets with middle-school-aged youth every week for mentoring, goal-setting, financial literacy, academic support, and life skills.
In 2022, Herbert received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the CU Schools Foundation for his work in the community. As Pastor of New Freewill Baptist Church, Herbert is committed to carrying on the vision that God gave Bishop King James Underwood to not only have their own school but also have a one-stop shop meeting the needs of every soul that God sends them.
Herbert is married to Stephanie Burnett and is the father of 10 anointed children and 13 wonderful grandchildren.
In recognition of his efforts, Herbert is being honored with the Community Unity Award. This award acknowledges individuals or organizations that have tirelessly promoted unity and collaboration within our community, reflecting Mrs. Rhodes' ability to bring people together for common goals.